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Motivating Strength and Mobility!

Our exercise devices, Go-Arm and RE-ARM, help people move better, recover quicker, and come back stronger!

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  • For some, this means a quicker return to vigorous performance on the playing field or jobsite.

  • For others, it means improved posture and ability to think better at the office, at home, or on the road.

  • For still others, it means the satisfying accomplishment of everyday tasks associated with independent living.


Go-Arm is Patent Pending

Use Go-Arm to regain and maintain mobility and strength so you can live independently.

Enjoy standing taller and sleeping better after regular programs of lightweight, low-impact exercises.

Use a special program to incrementally restore range-of-motion and remove limits to your favorite activities.


Move freely and live independently with Go-Arm!

Go-Arm for Seniors (3:45)

Fitness for Seniors Expert Becki

Beginner Exercises (2:20)

Incremental Mobility Program (6:50)

Exemplary User

For Seniors who want to Move Freely and Live Independently!





For Office Workers, Home Makers, and Road Warriors who want less stress and more productivity!
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Go-Arm is Patent Pending

Take a 2-minute Go-Arm break and you'll sit straighter, move better, and perform at your best - because the tension that distracted you will be gone!


Do the 3- or 5-minute full body workout while traveling and get a great night's sleep.


Attach TheraBand CLX for a high-intensity road warrior workout!​


Get Go-Arm and feel better, work better, and sleep better!

Go-Arm Overview (0:45)

Go-Arm  Basic Program (3:52)

Increasing Intensity with Bands (1:30)



For Competitive Athletes and Hard-working Tradespeople who want back in their game!
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US Patent 11,612,802 B2

Rehabilitate injured shoulders and forearms with RE-ARM, so you can get right back in the game or on the job.


Adjust the angles and weights to load and perform full regimens of forearm and shoulder exercises on this single, portable device that motivates progress.

Harden compound movement patterns to prevent injuries.


Create loaded, complex movement patterns to fit any sport or activity-specific needs. ​

Get RE-ARM and come back stronger!

RE-ARM Overview (1:45)

Top 6 Forearm Exercises (3:49)

Top 12 Shoulder Exercises (7:07)

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Bonus: Using Bands (1:30)

RE-ARM Forearm Exercises.png

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